Ineptocracy is looking for contributors

In a time of political turmoil Americans develop many opinions. These opinions are based on bias or on conflicting facts that, by their very definition, cannot be simultaneously correct. The opinions are not wrong, but their politically-motivated underpinnings often are.

While primarily a political website, the intended positions of are not political, but factual. Our mission is to provide a place where political ineptitude, misrepresented information and deliberate misdirection can be addressed in an open forum without anger, malice or repercussion. is mostly unmoderated. It will remain so in the spirit of fairness, honesty and freedom. All opinions are welcome so long as they are based on real facts, actual research and well-formed conclusions.

Free thinkers with a desire to reach the masses with real information are welcomed to join us. All prospective writers will be vetted to ensure that the quality of the content here remains as high as possible. Unwelcome political views include things that are outright racist or just plain stupid. We at are huge fans of the first-amendment-guaranteed freedom of speech, but we are not a soapbox for bigots or idiots.

If you would like to air real issues and are willing to do the research to back it up, please request an account and tell us a little about yourself. A willingness to accept criticism is a must--your content will be on the internet in a mostly unmoderated format.

I want to contribute!